Saturday, April 10 was Cade's first dance recital!  His class did a tap dance to "Animal Crackers In My Soup" from Shirly Temple and it was ADORABLE!  Cade was the only boy, front and center and got a little nervous walkig out on stage.  But after some coaxing by his teacher, he overcame his fears and did a pretty great job!  His class was definitely the best, all knowing what they were supposed to do and they looked great.  I give all credit to his teachers and I had heard very good things about the "lead" teacher he had so I was excited about that, but we will probably NEVER take lessons from Parks and Rec again...more to come on this topic!

The entire program only lasted about an hour (which was awesome) and was only younger kids.  The oldest class was probably around 10 years old, so it was kinda boring to watch at some points :)  The gymnastics instructors did a "routine" and I think I could've gotten on stage, 5 months pregnant and 10 years out of dance, and done AS MUCH if not MORE than what those "teachers" did!!  One of them even needed SPOTTED for a kick-over!!!  I couldn't believe it.  If I hadn't already pulled Cade out of the gymnastics program, I would definitely know to do it now!  I never really liked the way the gymnastics classes did things anyway, which brings me to my complaints about NEVER going back through Parks and Rec.....

The fact that the recital was extremely laid-back and "unprofessional" was completely fine with me because 1) Cade is young and it doesn't really matter and 2) he's a boy and probably won't last much longer anyway...we're just waiting for these ballet and tap techniques to help in basketball and football :)  Anyway, it was fine with me until I went upstairs to where all the kids were waiting for their turn to dance and I realized also how laid-back and unprofessional the supervision and care was.  First I should say, Cade usually has NO problems being independent, being around new people and doing his own thing.  Usually, I get more upset than he does.  So, I ignored my gut "mommy" feeling and left him right before 2:00 (when the recital was supposed to start) to go down to my seat.  I told him I would come back to check on him before his dance, and I did after the gymnastics section (around 2:20).  What I discovered still breaks my heart and brings tears to my eyes.  The kids were running around like wild animals, not supervised or staying in their classes like suggested that they would be and Cade was sitting against the wall by himself, his shoe untied and muttering "Momma, momma" to himself.  I also noticed two other little girls in his class backed against the wall by themselves, wide-eyed and scared to death.  Also, a lot of their skirts had the ribbon ripping off the bottom and they had holes in the knees of their tights.  Now, I'm not at all a, "Oh my poor baby!" kind of mother, but I was PISSED!  I can't even describe what the room was like.  For his sake, I put a smile on my face and asked him in the most upbeat way how he was doing but as soon as he saw me, he dove into my arms, squeezed on with all his might and BAWLED!  I asked if he told a grown-up that he needed help or if a grown-up even talked to him at all...he said no.  I tried to perk him up and get a smile on his face because I knew his dance was coming up really soon!  Just then, a "helper" called out the name of his class to line up.  I told him it was time to go and he squeezed his legs and arms around me even harder!  At this point, I was fuming and if his teachers (who were at the stage helping their other classes) weren't so great, I would have walked him out right then.  Instead, I just said loud enough for the "helper" to hear me, "Oh don't worry buddy, I'm not going to leave you alone here again!"
I'm sure this sounds borderline ridiculous to anyone reading it, but I assure you, I can't even BEGIN to explain everything in such a "short" blog.  The entire time we've been associated with these dance and gymnastics classes through Parks and Rec, I have thought everything could be improved.  In fact, I overheard another mother talking to a teacher before the recital even started and I even left Cade and she was asking questions about how the classes were going to be supervised and why parents weren't supposed to get them after their dance and who she needed to talk to about how all of it was run when it's all said and done.  Again, sign #2 that I shouldn't have left Cade!  Sign #1 was my gut feeling :)  ALSO, before I left, Cade's teacher asked the person "in charge" who was supposed to be assigned to her class because already, in the 10 minutes we'd all been in the room, those girls were running all over the place.  I don't remember her answer, but obviously, that was sign NUMBER THREE!!!!!  I didn't let there be a sign #4, and even though it was "forbidden," I jumped out of my seat after his dance, went into the hallway and as soon as he came out of the door, I picked him up, turned to the Program Coordinator and said, "I'm taking him with me."  I also will be sending her a message about what I saw and my feelings about it all.  I only wish the mothers of the other girls who were sad would have walked in to see them like I saw Cade.  I don't like to complain and give a my-kid-is-the-best-and-should-be-your-pride-and-joy-too attitude, but I will definitely stick up for him!

I've started looking at other dance programs, partly because Cade still says he likes dance and also to scope them out for Brynlee!!  Cade did so great and his class was ADORABLE!  We're very proud of him and how he pulled himself together in about 5 minutes before he got on stage.

Anyway, after complaining about the Easter egg hunt, his swim lessons (ALSO through Parks and Rec, but we'll give semi-private lessons a chance!) and now the recital, I'm sure I sound completely pessimistic and difficult, but I promise I'm not! :)  That's just how dramatic our lives have been lately...haha!  Let's hope it stops soon!  Next family event: VEISHEA, and it should be GREAT!!!!!! :)
4/11/2010 12:39:22 pm

I don't blame you Bre! That is why we have that Mommy instinct :) Cade was so adorable! I loved the pictures... surrounded by the ladies!! Little stud!


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