Here are some pictures of Cade's Easter egg hunting fun!  We went to the citywide hunt at a park on Saturday morning, then had our own fun at home Sunday morning.
2010 was the second year that Cade could really get into Easter.  We started off Saturday going to the park for the annual citywide Easter egg hunt.  The weather was beautiful, my mom, Bridget and her little girl Kaylin joined us and Cade was all hyped up and extremely excited.  The only thing that could "ruin" it was a crazy Asian mom who didn't understand common English courtesies and her son who had to be at least a year younger than Cade who didn't even seem to care to be there.  Let me explain...

The egg hunt is over as soon as it stats.  There are three different age groups and hundreds of crazy parents waiting for the go ahead to push their child into the sea of "hidden" eggs.  This would be just fine if everyone would show at least a little respect to others standing around them.  When I noticed where Cade's age group was gathering, I got him a front row seat because, remembering from last year, if you weren't right up there ready to go, you lost!  I told Cade to stand nicely to wait for them to tell us to go.  The lady "in charge" was still standing on a picnic table giving a few directions when I heard crazy (foreign) battlecry beside me and saw some Asian lady literally running and carrying her child by his arm pits into the middle of the eggs.  Ummm, excuse me, what's going on??  Everyone else kind of looked around, but didn't want their kid to "lose", so they ran in behind her.  I was so angry, annoyed and frustrated that I didn't even get any pictures of Cade during this frenzy.  Lucky for him, Cory was standing there and told him to go ahead because I just couldn't take my eyes off of the crazy lady and kept looking back at the people in charge for someone to...stop her?  Somehow? 

Anyway, Cade did end up getting 4 1/2 (yes, 1/2) eggs and was pretty pumped about it.  We saw someone we knew and his granddaughter who was just around a year old, and she didn't have any eggs so we even made Cade SHARE one of his eggs.  What a concept, huh?  Don't worry though, the crazy Asian family had, oh, THIRTY+ eggs!!!!  They couldn't even hold all of them in the TWO baskets they had.  Dad had to hold some in his hands and the BABY (who couldn't even walk yet) also had some in his hands and spread around him on the ground like a cute little picture perfect moment.  I wanted to run by, yelling my own battlecry, grab one of their baskets (and maybe the baby too, just for payback) and herd my own family to our vehicle.  Then, I would share with the other kids who got NOTHING.  I saw some kids in tears :(

When it was all said and done, I thought we'd get a nice picture with the Easter bunny walking around.  He was obviously swarmed with other kids and crazy parents trying to get a picture (the bucket of candy he had was probably an unneeded distraction!) but I walked Cade up to patiently wait his turn.  I was still pretty annoyed with the whole debacle with the egg hunt, but decided to try to forget about it...what could I do anyway??  Well......

It took three or four attempts to get a GOOD picture of Cade with the bunny.  The one I put at the top of this post is the good one.  Here are my other attempts...

This one is okay...a cute "wave" moment.  I'm attempting to move Cade in closer to the bunny person to have him stand next to him, but closely look at the left side of the picture.  Okay, now imagine me nudging Cade forward and this, is my next attempt....
AH HA!  There you are crazy Asian mom, who not only stole everyone else's Easter eggs before they even had a chance, but now you're jumping into everyone else's pictures.  This is only one out of NO JOKE, TEN PICTURES THEY TOOK WITH THIS RABBIT!!!!!  They kept walking away (probably to check the picture on the digital camera) then would randomly come running back through the crowd to get another picture.  I tried to push Cade up THREE times, but he was so confused and in awe of this creature that he wasn't quick enough and OH! HERE SHE'D COME AGAIN!!!  And LOOK at her son.  He is BEGGING someone to rescue him.

Anyway, enough ranting......

We ended up having a great Easter!  Cade got to play at the park for awhile after the hunt.  Bridget stuck around with us for a bit and we chatted a little.  When we left, we ate lunch with my mom at the Dutch Oven Bakery.  Sunday morning, Cade got up to find all the eggs the Easter bunny left behind at our house (inside AND outside!)  He loved it.  I'm just glad our neighbors didn't send their kids out to attack Cade while we were doing the hunt outside...haha.  He even asked before we went out, "Is it just me this time, Mom?"  Yes, dear, and I will fight anyone who thinks otherwise :)