At the ultrasound today, we found out the gender of Baby #2!  This is the riddle we gave people before giving in about 2 minutes later and telling them...IT'S A GIRL!!  The riddle spells the answer down the right side:
I had one written up if it was a boy.  I also wore a black shirt with a pink cami underneath, bright pink lace footy things that showed a little out of my shoes and a bright pink hair band.  I also had all of these things in blue, just in case!  Most people either saw that it spelled "it's a girl" down the side or they noticed that I was wearing pink.  We told everyone else without making them wonder very long :)

According to all the polls we did (facebook postings, the poll on our homepage, a poll at the center among my coworkers and family and friend opinion) there was an OVERWHELMING consesus: girl!  I think there might have been 3 people who thought it could be a "boy," including Cory.  Duh, don't you people know that Mom knows best ;)  I just always had "that feeling!"

We are VERY excited, and I have even made a trip to Target already to buy a few things: 
I ended up getting two dresses, a pajama/jumper outfit and a pack of 3 bibs.  The rainbow dress and elephant jumper is 3 mo.  The polka dress was the first I saw and I really wanted it, but it only came in 6 mo or Newborn.  Well, experience from Cade tells me not to buy ANYTHING smaller than 3 mo!  Not even Newborn size diapers (note to anyone wanting to get us gifts! haha)  But, like I said, I just had to have it :) so I got the Newborn size and decided it could be a hospital/going home dress!  Smart shopping huh (hahaha!)  I got the bibs because the first one says, "Daddy's Sweetheart" just in case Cory was annoyed that I was shopping already!  Turns out, I didn't need any bribery or explanation...he's going to be worse than me!  FINALLY!!  HAHA!